Top Advisor 2018-2019 Recognition Program The Leadership of NAIFA-Alabama would like to recognize and promote active members of NAIFA that have demonstrated a commitment to excellence. The Top Advisors program provides financial professionals at any career stage the opportunity to apply or be nominated for the following:
- Professionalism through education and earned designations
- Production measured by performance metrics customized for each practice specialty
- Adherence to the NAIFA code of ethics, and Service to your industry association
Advisors specializing in Life & Annuities, Financial Advising & Investments, Health & Employee Benefits, Multiline Sales or any combination of these specialties can demonstrate the quality that is the mark of a true professional. But they must be active NAIFA members. You or a professional you know is a candidate. He or she is successful, of course, but also committed to their community, family and team. They’re already a great example for their peers. Nominate them for NAIFA-Alabama Top Advisor. It’s the recognition they deserve and the next step in their amazing career. Recipients will appear in a local and state publication as well as promoted through social media. They will be showcased at the NAIFA-Alabama Annual Meeting May 1-3, 2019 in Gulf Shores.
Apply today. The deadline is March 22, 2019 The application is below.
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